Thursday, October 1, 2015

New Era In Home Entertainment

No Premiums, No Movie Ticket Or Rental Costs. Just Movies When You Want Them 24/7.

If you like movies but don’t like the movie theater prices or rental costs, a new technology called, TMG-Streaming Media Service is making it possible to watch even the latest movies from your own home 24/7.

                                                        HOW IT WORKS

Over 85,000,000 households in the USA subscribing to cable and satellite TV, Paying an average of $123 per month. These monthly fees have increased OVER 50% in the last 4 years.

Like most, I bet YOU are tired of paying the ever escalating monthly fees!!

Over the past 40 years we have been conditioned to buy cable and satellite TV. Our houses and apartments are wired for Pay TV. We have forgotten that there is FREE Digital TV in the air.

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